Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Digital Vs Film

 It's 2011 and whether or not you like digital photography it has taken over. It seems everywhere you look there is a camera now days, whether it be your phone,computer,bike helmet, etc... So you would think digital was the champion in the digital Vs. film "war", but film may still have some superiority!

Virtually no shutter lag
No batteries 
Much better viewfinders
Noise looks better 
Better dynamic range
Better colors (subjective)

Ease of use
No cost to develop photos
No expensive film(duh)
Print pictures instantly from the computer

Now with this information being stated its up to you to tell me which is better. Personally I believe it's not so much about the camera and more about who's behind it! 


  1. http://bugraergil.blogspot.com/2011/06/nikon-d700-vs-nikon-f5-analogue.html

    Check out my post about digital vs film.
    In my opinion digital has the better edge only when the other camera is full frame.

  2. Hey thanks for the input, your post was very interesting and you have a good point full frame digital if far superior in most aspects!

  3. You stated that in your opinion it's not about the camera, but who's behind it.

    I can make good photos with either film or digital cameras. To me, using some of the old classic rangefinders and folding cameras is such a joy that many young photographers just don't get. Many will never get it and can't be bothered.

    BTW film has grain, not noise.
    The traditional BW print is the prize. Not the digital file that gets posted on the interwebz, and certainly not the print from the inkjet printer.

    Many young people don't realize how sharp and full a film-rendered image can be. Medium and large format takes it to another level.

    Finally, digital is useful and convenient, but I would gladly pay more for a photo done with more of a hands-on, artist-minded approach.

    Digital vs film is such a touchy, cliche, fanboi argument that has been fiercely argued to death on both sides. I'll say this: Shoot digital to your heart's desire. Afterward, pick up a Leica M3 and a light meter, load it with a decent BW film, shoot a roll, develop it yourself, make prints in a traditional darkroom, and feel the reward of your work.

  4. You some strong points Carlo, thanks for your input.
